John - Nurturing Nature.
John, a 15th generation Farmer, has the soil of Ireland running through his veins. A true outdoorsman ( he calls himself Free Range!) and a man who holds huge value in Nature and the protection and development of the environment. Bob has planted 1000s of trees over his lifetime as a landscape gardener in his earlier years, as a landowner and in his role as founder of Irish Memorial trees and IrishTress.ie.
See their workForester and Farmer - John
John has a deep love for the land and the nature that inhabits it, he rares many animals and birds as pets for his young family and loves nothing more than working and walking the land.
See their workAbout our planters and founders –
Bob and John work together to create a woodland that celebrates life, planting native Irish Trees and bulbs to create a 6 acre ‘Forever’ woodland on a lakeside in North County Dublin woodland.
“Each tree represnets a person, a life, a family and the love they have, it is a very tranquil place” Bob (Founder Irish Urns and Irish Trees)
Bob and John are involved in a number of tree planting projects, planting thousands of native trees every year, they are passonate Rewilders, expanding and reconnecting ancient woodlands with native trees and are supported by individuals and businesses – all looking to give something back to nature.
Ckeck out Irish Trees on Instagram or their website if you would like to know more.
They dont use pesticides or chemicals, but rather create biodiverse habitats where nature can thrive undisturbed.
Here is a sample of what some people who have dedicated a tree have said..
“My parents were overwhelmed and loved the gesture. Knowing that my late Aunt and Uncle have been memorialised in this way has been incredibly healing for my parents. Can’t thank you enough for the service.”
John Hyland Dublin
“COVID restrictions in 2020 meant I couldn’t attend my Aunt’s funeral to support my mother. I desperately wanted to be able to DO something that would ease the pain and loss she was feeling. Planting a memorial oak tree was cathartic for both of us. Knowing my Aunt’s memory lives on is something I never thought would be so healing. Could not be happier with the service from Bob.”
Sean H -Swords
“It gives me great comfort to look at the certificate and think of the Rowan Tree that they both would love so very much”
Yvonne M – Athlone
“I absolutely love the Certificate. My mom and sister are as touched as I am! I will spread the word about what you guys are doing because it’s really something special”!
Lisa B Arizona USA
“That tree made my day. Both of my parents were cremated and have some kind of plaque in Glasnevin that I’ve never visited as I never thought of them as being there exactly. I now have a place, a picture and a symbol of life and renewal to associate them with. I know they’d like that”.
Marcus F – Tipperary
“Thank you so much. This is a wonderful service”.
Bernie B – Galway
“My sister is going to love this , there will be some tears falling , but also remembering the good times”!
Pauline D – Dublin 8
“I just received the Certificate and it is really, really lovely, thank you.
Quite emotional to receive the certificate actually!”
Charley S – Wexford
A little more about our woodland plan and vision.
All trees are Native Irish species. When planted when about 3-4.5 feet tall. Each tree is originally grown from seeds, hand collected and nurtured from Woods across Ireland.
We mix-plant a range of fruit, berry, seed, and nut-producing trees.
Wildflowwers have been sown in their millions. All together creating habitat and food for insects and animals.
This is a forever woodland and gently managed to maintain the health of the woodland for decades to come, should a tree ever be damaged it will be replaced.
Bob has reared his grown-up family in the Naul and John’s family has farmed the land around the Naul Village for more than 300 years.
CLICK HERE to see a Google Earth ‘fly-over’ of the location
CLICK HERE to see a satellite image of the woodland site
CLICK HERE to find out more on Native Irish trees and symbolism.
Bob is founder of IrishUrns.com and IrishTrees.ie and he works with families suffering from loss every day, and John spent many years as a local Funeral Director. And love nothing better than talking with families about how they can help.
Their main hope is that families are comforted knowing their loved ones’ memory lives on in a memorial tree and are building in paths, benches and having open days, to witness the spring bulbs, the flowering trees, the wild flowering meadows in full display, and planting days etc.
They are currently developing the addition of Bee Hives and wildflower meadow areas between planting areas.
This is a forever woodland and will be gently managed to maintain the health of the woodland for decades to come and should a tree be damaged eg. by storm, it will be replaced.
There are few mature trees in Ireland, let alone of native species.
Including hedgerows, motorway plantations, and birch mono-cultures, less than 2% of the State is covered in native trees – under a fifth of our forest estate, itself the lowest in the EU at 10%.
Given the overwhelmingly positive role native hardwood trees play in flood control, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, water filtration, soil fertility security, and well-being, there are increasing calls to raise native afforestation rates. Irish Memorial trees will be a small contribution to this cause that will outlive us all.
Check out more of our articles on Irish trees on our Irish trees website.